
The project «Relativity» explores the philosophical and physical aspects of time, movement, and human interaction. The main idea of the project is that in the conditions of the fast-paced movement of life, each of us perceives time differently, depending on our individual «rhythm.»

A series of photographs taken from the window of a moving car using a mechanical shutter creates a unique effect of elongated figures, symbolizing manifestations of abstract presence—as if a person exists neither here nor there. These images become a metaphor for fleeting moments in our world.

The project invites us to reflect on how the speed of movement affects our perception of the surrounding reality and interaction with others. Both in physics and in everyday life, we experience a subjective speed of perception and sensation of time. For instance, as a result of the Earth’s rotation, we see that people living at different latitudes experience different temporal realities, which includes reflections on how we relate to the sensation of time and speed.

«Relativity» is based on the idea that many of us cannot move through life together, and we only occasionally intersect with others, like fleeting flashes of light.
